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HTTPS Server#

If your code is dealing with sensitive data or secure connection is a MUST then your application need to use TLS. Per recommendation, we encourage putting behind a Load Balancer or Reverse Proxy and use Let's Encrypt on top of the configuration, however, Expressive Tea contains a configuration to set up TLS by bringing your own certificates. To used there are three properties that you need to provide. The first is the securePort which by default is 4443, this is optional as always have a value. The next one is the privateKey as his name mentioned is the private key of the certificate both must have the path to the corresponding files.

@ServerSettings({    port: 3000,    securePort: 4443,    privateKey: './certs/key.pem',    certificate: './certs/cert.pem',    startWebsocket: true})class Bootstrap extends Boot {}
export default new Bootstrap().start()    .catch(e => console.error(e));