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Beta Version

This is a Beta Version for implementation of the Websockets using the library WS, and could change the implementation.


Started on version 1.2.0 Websocket protocol rolled out in the core of Expressive Tea and bring the chance to work with this protocol out of the box. By just passing the flag startWebsocket setup to true, then, a WebSocket.Server instance from WS package attached to the main server under the same port (by default 3000).

@ServerSettings({    port: 8080,    startWebsocket: true})class Bootstrap extends Boot {}
export default new Bootstrap().start()    .catch(e => console.error(e));

Stage To initialize this MUST be hooked into the Bootstrap State START as Websocket server need a http server that is already ready for listen requests, other case WILL NOT work.

WSS Server#

Please read this before continue on this section.

If you want to use the Web Socket Secure (wss://) protocol you must configure Expressive Tea to accept https request and when settings for startWebsocket is set to true

@ServerSettings({    port: 8080,    privateKey: './certs/key.pem',    certificate: './certs/cert.pem',    startWebsocket: true})class Bootstrap extends Boot {}
export default new Bootstrap().start()    .catch(e => console.error(e));


The next example will create a new Expressive Tea application with attached Websocket Service on the port 8080, after initialization and boot process you will be able to connect to the new service via ws:// protocol.

   import * as WebSocket from 'ws';   import Boot from '@zerooneit/expressive-tea/classes/Boot';   import {Plug, Pour, ServerSettings} from '@zerooneit/expressive-tea/decorators/server';   import {BOOT_STAGES} from '@zerooneit/expressive-tea/libs/constants';   import WebsocketService from '@zerooneit/expressive-tea/services/WebsocketService';
   @ServerSettings({       port: 8080,       startWebsocket: true   })   @Plug(BOOT_STAGES.START, 'Initialize Websockets', initializeWebSocket, true)   class Bootstrap extends Boot {   }
   export default new Bootstrap().start()       .catch(e => console.error(e));
   function initializeWebSocket(application: any) {       const websocketService: WebsocketService = WebsocketService.getInstance();       const ws: WebSocket.Server = websocketService.getWebsocket(websocketService.httpServer);
       ws.on('connection', (client: WebSocket, request: unknown, user: any) => {         client.send('hello world!!');       });   }

As the server above is running and ready to listen you can select any of the client that you like, in the next example we are using wscat as you can install it using npm i -g wscat and follow the next example.

~❯ wscat -c ws://localhost:8080Connected (press CTRL+C to quit)< hello world!!>